An internship is a great way to gain experience, make contacts and increase your knowledge of the environmental career sector. Although there are certainly exceptions, it is generally easier to obtain the most desirable internships after a significant amount of college coursework has been done, usually between your junior and senior years.
Internships are most commonly done in the summer, although internships during the fall and spring are also possible. You are responsible for obtaining the internship and for getting prior approval from the program coordinator. When contacting the coordinator for approval, please include as much information as possible about the position. Note that paid internships generally cannot count for academic credit.
Career Services also offers helpful information on searching for a summer experience.
Application deadlines for summer internships are typically in late winter or early spring. After securing the internship and getting approval from the program coordinator, you must enroll in ENVR 388 for the fall semester following your internship. If you complete an internship during the academic year, take ENVR 388 during the same semester you complete the internship.
You will need to get a signed statement from your supervisor confirming the time of employment and the nature of your work. You should also talk to your co-workers as much as possible. Get details about their education and career path; ask about their career plans and how they plan to achieve them. Get advice. Eventually, in the ENVR 388 class, you will share information about your experience with fellow environmental studies majors.
Recent Student Internships
ES students have interned with a variety of organizations that reflect their areas of interest. Below is a sample listing of recent internship placements
- Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
- Farm and Wilderness
- Willmette Department of Public Works
- Sierra Club
- Clean Water Action
- Shalom Farms
- Overland
- Earth Day Network
- Rockland Conservation and Service Corps
- The Mammal Society
- Piedmont Environmental Council
- James River Association
- Blue Planet Systems
- PlanRVA
- Collaborative to Combat Illegal Trade in Turtles
- VA Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Concerned Citizens of Charles City County
- Rye Nature Center
- Campbell Soup Company
- City of Richmond Office of Sustainability
- TRUE Market Research & Development
- Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas
- Quogue Wildlife Refuge
- National Forest Service
- LIGHT CoCreative
- Evolution Energy Partners LLC
Presentations from previous internships and career exploration are available online. View more presentations from University of Richmond - Environmental Studies.