Global Environmental Speaker Series
Each year the Department of Geography, Environment, & Sustainability, Environmental Studies Program, and Global Studies Program partner to bring noteworthy speakers and scholars to Richmond to present lectures related to our global environment.
All events are free and open to the public. Funding is provided by the Class of 1992 Environmental Awareness Endowment.
Thursday, September 19
Dr. Amber Musser
Professor, The City University of New York
"On the Brink: Thinking Puerto Rico, Art, and Climate Change"
12 p.m.
Humanities Commons
Sponsored by the Humanities Center
Tuesday, September 24
Screening of "Stroop: Journey into the Rhino War"
5 p.m.
THC 305
Co-sponsored with the African Film Festival
Wednesday, October 23
Dr. Gary Machlis
University Professor of Environmental Sustainability, Clemson University
"Sustainability of the Forgotten"
5 p.m.
Gottwald Auditorium
Tuesday, November 19
Milena Cambronero
Lecturer in Natural Resource Management, The School for Field Studies (SFS), Costa Rica
"Do Costa Rican forest fragments in community-managed water protection areas serve as a refuge for endangered mammals?”
4:30 p.m.
International Center Commons
Co-sponsored with the Office of International Education
Monday, April 14
Dr. Crystal Cavalier-Keck
Co-founder, 7 Directions of Services
"Breaking the Silence: Confronting Gender-based and Extractive Violence with Courage and Action"
4:30 p.m.
Brown-Alley Room, Weinstein Hall
Co-sponsored with the Humanities Center & Quaker Earth Care Witness